Friday, April 24, 2009


today i hosted playgroup at my place. 5 moms, 12 kids, age 7 weeks (freddie) to 4 years, 11 months and 25 days (fiona). only two bloody lips (jasper and tobi). two poopies (freya and sadie), one loaf of banana bluberry bread and a pot of coffee. we would have gone outside but there were about 12 inches of fresh snow blanketing everything. sunny tomorrow and then another snow storm due on sunday, many more inches of fresh white snow. really good for the mountains, not really good for mommies with kids, most of whom have put away all the winter gear.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

holy smokes....12 kids at your place! i think i would go bonkers! i bet they had fun. can't believe you have snow. people are still XC skiing here about 6 miles from our house. I prefer the pool, where my friend Ryan and I took our boys yesterday. no snow in sight!!