Thursday, June 11, 2009


Red Lantern. Chinese Public School, Victoria.


Tuned In....

We don't have a T.V.
But everyday at about noon, in an effort to know what's going on in the world outside my little domestic dome, I listen to the National Public Radio.
Today, as I was spooning lunch to my son, and occasionally catching the cascading bits of rice and avocado flying across my head as he learns to feed himself, I became convinced of something:
Our news is full of irony.
An 88-year old man, full of hatred, shot a young guard protecting the Holocaust Museum in D.C.
A woman surgeon peformed the incredible first transplant of a full human face, a new face for another woman who was shot up-close by her husband: he blew off her lower eyelids, nose and cheek bones.
A doctor from an abortion clinic, whose life's work was to give women a choice, was shot dead... in a church.
I want to know the news. Bad news and good news- it's our news.
But the stories of the world, in my opinion, are enough to hear. I don't need to see them all on the tele. I don't need to be pummeled with propaganda and catch phrases, media sound bites and video clips, talking heads or a scrolling bar of instant info across the screen.
I like to be able to tune in. Hear the news, maybe read it, and know what's happening at my own pace. And then turn it, in an instant, to the sound of a good song.
Or to simply...
Tune out.

*So here's my vote, if anyone asks, for a TV-FREE AMERICA