Monday, August 3, 2009


If you're trapped inside on a really hot day, you've no choice but to sleep on most of your feet.


The Lightning & Lyle

We saw Lyle Lovett,
My family and I.
He played by the river
Under a storm-threatened sky.
My grandma, 84,
A birthday flower in her hair, too
Rocked out with his Large Band
As the clouds overhead grew.
With a zoom lens on
And his iphone in tune,
My bro posted it to You Tube
As we sat there and wahoo-ed.
Upon careful exam
And serious debate,
We all concluded it's true:
Lyle's hair is a fake!
"It's a hair piece," said Ben,
"No it's an implant," said Sam,
"I think it looks real," I contested
"But more like an old man's."
He rocked and he wailed
In his suit and cowboy boots,
He sang of his pony
And of his Texas roots.
But before he could finish
The sky caved around,
Lightning and thunder
A collage of color and sound.
We ran for cover
The soundboard was struck,
And this concert was over
The band retreated to their truck.
But I'll hold forever precious the lovely
Spark in my grandma's eye,
From this adventure she'll know as
"The Lightning and Lyle."