Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Imagine if you will a sunny hillside. 80+ degrees. No shade. Limited water. Plenty of alcohol. Lots of pale young skin, bikini clad ladies, and shirtless fellas. That would be the Sasquatch experience. I could have taken a whole series of photographs chronicling the painful yet comical burns of the day. That seems mean spirited, so instead I wish those folks a speedy recovery and a buddy to rub in that sunscreen.


"You can call me Flower if you want."
-Baby skunk in the movie Bambi

Today began at 4:45 am with a rude awakening.
Not with a cry from Charlie, or a bright light in my face or an arm thrown across my chest, not even with a beeping alarm clock. Nope. Today began with a smell...a very bad smell.
A skunk found our house last night.
With all the windows open to let in the cool night breeze, we were saturated with skunk.
So when Charlie woke up a little later, our skylight revealing the morning horizon and the birds chirping their wake-up call, I knew what to do. Time to get out!
I placed Charlie in the center of our bed and dashed for my workout bag. Looking back at the two most special guys in my life there on the bed, I knew this would be a moment to remember. Charlie and his daddy, together in the wee hours of the morning. Charlie was drumming his daddy's back and somersaulting across the sheets, while his dad was half asleep and grabbing for an ankle to keep the little guy from catapulting off the bed. Despite the terrible smell of that striped stinker, my guys were laughing and wrestling, tickling and snorting at each other like farm animals. Maybe the skunk smell struck a chord. They seemed to enjoy it.
So me, I did only what a smart mom and lady of the house is left to do: I headed for the gym until the skunky air and morning hour passed me by. And I admit, I do smell better than my family today. You can call ME flower if you want.