Friday, April 24, 2009


My Plot

Today I bought a 5' by 10' plot at the Sisters Community Garden. My chance to become a greenthumb! Planting can begin June 1, so I've got lots of work to do before then. What to plant? And Todd has decided that he wants to attempt a vegetarian diet this summer. The pressure is on... I've gotta grow some enticing veggies. Wish me luck!


Fireweed said...

My first thought was cemetery plot. My stomach tightened. I know its good to plan ahead and all... but I was relieved to read in a 'community garden.' Whew! I started some grape tomatoes today as well as some arugula. The arugula will only grow to be a sprout and we can eat it in 2 weeks. I've been doing that all spring. The tomatoes I'm starting like 6 weeks not sure. I think we're going to also try to get some tomatoes that are already started, and try to grow them out back.

Fireweed said...

Also, wanted to tell you my dinner was almost entirely local tonight. Local leftover chicken & sausage from 2 previous dinners, and leftover potato leek soup all made w/ local ingredients... and local raab. When we were at the store today I almost picked up a french bordeux but then realized (thanks to your post) that WA has lots of lovely wine offerings, and sent michael on a mission to pick out something from WA. I have to admit that instead of cracking open the wine, we had Greyhounds made w/ grapefruit from Texas and Vodka from Sweden. Well, you can't win 'em all.

montanamommyof3 said...

yumm, grapefruit and vodka sounds yummy, i don't care where it came from!

Kelley said...

cindy- you are certainly doing your part to reduce the "food footprint" way to go :) i told todd about your cow and he said no way. maybe when we have a bigger family....oh and a bigger freezer, too. i'm trying to be local- so far coffee and beer seem to be the only thing Central Oregon offers me! and local bread...i did buy that today. good thing california is so close to bend. i guess i don't feel so bad buying avocados, tomatoes, spinach etc that grew there. most everyone who lives in bend is originally a californian anyway :)