Monday, May 11, 2009


With my laptop wedged between me and the steering wheel, I am posting from inside my car. It's parked in the driveway with Wee Sing Folk music blaring, a squirmy child buckled into his carseat in the back, and the seatbelt indicator beeping in my ear. Charlie did not opt for a nap today. Not a wink. I've had a long day. "Mama's little baby loves shortnin', shortnin'....mama's little baby loves shortnin' bread." Oh yes, the music of choice these days! Now Charlie is yelling at his sock, it won't pull off. While it may seem that motherhood is full of these fleeting moments of solitude and endangered tidbits of adult interaction, it really is the best thing in the world. For those without kids, I do have a suggested reading. I recall what it is like without a child.....and this article is a funny reminder. A good look back at a childless life. It's called "Making Friends" by Amy Ozols in the Shouts & Murmurs section of the current New Yorker. I remember those Timmy's. (Cindy, I thought of you when I read this...did YOU write this article under a pen name?) A fitting note to end on here in my ear inside this quickly-becoming stuffy car, "The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be, many long years ago."