Tuesday, June 9, 2009



The lurking thorn in the game,
Pulls at my hair today
True to its name.
Mile-high dishes
Glare at me,
And though I could make a dent
I'd rather not see.
A freelance job deadline
Hoovers in the air
Like overbearing perfume
Of visiting aunt- we'll call "Clare."
Two loads of laundry,
A Wash-Me type car,
Dustballs and dirt clods
From the trails near and far.
Finger-painted windows
In yellows, reds and greens
Revealing the story
Of Charlie- a Dinner Art fiend.
A cluttered pantry
A garage mice would love,
My closet in shambles
And a garbage in need of a shove.
Instead of tackling any of these
I'm enjoying the day off
A day without my little Charlie.
Has become part of my gait,
And the endless to-do list
Will just have to....


Fireweed said...

Damn straight! This is what I like to hear. Eff the to-do list! I hope you put your feet up and did a whole lot of nothing.

Ahh... My favorite sort of day. :)

Kelley said...

I really do NEED my to-do list, Lou. I actually quite LOVE it. Just need a break once in a while.

Fireweed said...

I know you do and the to-do list is a handy tool, it just needs to wait sometimes.