Sunday, April 26, 2009



Do you know what you stand for,
What matters to you..does every action and word coincide with it too?
Answer these questions
And see if it's true
That you are living, not just life,
But a reflection of YOU.
What book are you now reading? What music captivates you?
What did you last purchase, what does your spending say too?
Who are your close friends and what together do you do?
When did you last help someone in need, forgetting your self,
Open the door for someone, or listen instead of saying something else?
Where did you send your last letter, who was it for?
What did you do with free-time today, was it wasted wishing for more?
If your life were a book, every minute recorded in thought and word too
Do you really know this person you call YOU?


Kelley said...

sorry for the cheezy post...i was inspired to write it today for some reason :)

Fireweed said...

no i like. in fact, it would be great with illustrations. it has a Seuss quality but its grown-up. nice work!

Kelley said...

probably comes from all the nursery rhymes i've been studying lately :) highly recommended reading BTW!