Thursday, April 23, 2009


Conscientious Aftermath
of an Earth Day Resolution

Morning coffee-
Bend, Oregon.
Breakfast oatmeal and rice milk-
Seattle and New York.
Snacks of Gala apples and crackers-
Washington state and New Jersey.
Lunch of spinach, tomatoes and dressing-
California and West Virginia.
San Pelligrino-
Dinner burgers on the barbie-
South Dakota.
Apple cobbler-
Washington and 10 other industrial places across the nation.
Mirror Pond Ale-
Bend, Oregon.
Total travel-
Way too far.

At least the day began and ended locally...
It can only get better from here.

1 comment:

Fireweed said...

Its tough but it gets easier. I had a hard time giving up Pelligrino at first. It's farmer's market season so local produce gets better & better! We're splitting a quarter of a cow with four households which still works out to some 40 lbs of beef each. We get it in July. My parents will have to house our share for us. Its such delicious beef and we feel like we know the people who are raising it as we buy from them at the Ballard Farmers market all the time. I swear it makes my dinner taste better. :)