Friday, January 16, 2009


so i just got home from a mommy outing with a couple of girlfriends. posting is not gonna happen tonight, too many whiskey gingers. we'll see how i'm feeling tomorrow...


Fireweed said...

heh heh heh... so, how ARE you feeling now? looks like we all took it easy last night. glad you had some fun! i remember waking up on the couch at 10:30 and making myself go to bed. had pasta and a bit of wine and was watching the Godfather III when somehow I fell asleep. wild night.

Kelley said...

whiskey gingers...sounds good! and godfather's been awhile since I've had time for one of those! my excuse is not quite so adventurous..we've had some LATE nights with an awake baby, and last night I seized the opportunity to go to bed at 9 pm!!