Wednesday, January 7, 2009


why three kids, staying home and trying to work aren't such a good idea for a daily photo blog.

so, i'm lying in bed wednesday night at about 10:45pm after a long day dealing with kids, clients, cleaning, meal prep, etc. when i realize that i haven't posted yet! and there was no way i was getting out of my warm bed to post. i have to get my shit together here and make this happen. so. again, i will attempt to be better. my brain is full though so my appologies for missing wendesday. more to come.


Fireweed said...

No worries Robyn! This is for FUN. Sometimes when I don't post, it's because I totally forgot to. It happens.

Kelley said...

I UNDERSTAND!!! Please don't feel guilty. You both were so nice to me when per3pective became per2pective so many months. You will always be less of a slacker than me...but being a working, stay-at-home, mommy and wife is NEVER really slacking!