Saturday, January 3, 2009


waiting for CHEERIOS....


montanamommyof3 said...

cute! who's doggie is this? are you still at Schweitzer?

Kelley said...

this is old parents' dog they've had for 12 years. she's in love with Charlie (or is the Cheerios he gives her?)

Fireweed said...

wow, schatzie is 12? i remember when you're folks got her. i remember the one-eyed fella too, blitz? i've known you a long time!

Kelley said...

yes, you have known me a long time my friend!! that one-eyed dog was named Bosco...the Blitz you refer to was the german shorthair we had prior to Schatzie...both Blitz and Bosco were killed when we had the "94 Ice Storm, you remember that? the furnace went off, then turned back on and backfired CO2 into the sleeping dogs' was so sad.

Fireweed said...

I do remember those pups and that terrible storm. Super sad! I think it was 95 (or 96?) - Karen ran the Seattle Marathon and I took her as far as Spokane and then she grabbed a Greyhound. The roads were really bad.

Kelley said...

oh was 1996! my how time flies. i am old!