Monday, October 6, 2008


practicing for halloween.


Fireweed said...

Wow. A chicken! That's pretty funny. Go Fiona!Way better than a princess.

montanamommyof3 said...

she's actually going to be a ballerina. jasper's the chicken, he was napping so she pirated the costume to "test it out" :-)

Fireweed said...

but isn't she sometimes a ballerina in real life? she's a mighty cute one but it isn't such a stretch. maybe she wants to be a puppy? what a good big sister too, making sure jasper's costume works properly.

montanamommyof3 said...

halloween in my house is about ease of costume. and the ballet recital outfit is just sitting in the closet begging to be worn. i'm lame, i would love to make the kids costumes, just too much laziness going on. maybe when they get older and actually appreciate it :-)