Monday, January 14, 2013

"Truth is given by God to us all, in our time, in our turn."
- Jean Valjean, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

Saturday, January 12, 2013

More like You

The year 1815
And a prisoner
Of the French gallows,
You paid 19 years
For stolen
Brought you
To God.
You became
A mayor in Montreuil-sur-Mer,
A saint
Among the trash
And sorrow,
Parisian sewers
And philosophy
Of the
French Revolution.
Your guilt
Your miserable life.
On the run
Committed to your crime
But set upon redemption,
You were
To the girl,
A daughter,
You never had.
A sad
Lonely light
Fleeting in the fog
And filth,
You fought
For the people.
Yet hunted
By your both your conscience
And Javez,
Your parole officer,
You eluded the law
With the light
Of God.
You died
In her arms
A Saint.
Why can't the world
Have more like
Jean Valjean?
Someone good,
Of God.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

One Hour

It's noon
And I'll have one hour.
A sweet, quiet moment
(Actually 3,600 seconds)
With no shouts of
I need, I want or No.
My Yes hour
My Anything hour.
Boys are outside,
She's napping.
And I find
A sunny spot,
Drag the beanbag over
To catch the heat.
It's 7degrees outside,
Toes warm in here.
As the smoke
From our woodstove
Into the cold January air,
It's gone.
Hour's up!
Voices fill the house
Gradually like wispy snow
Generating motion,
A snowstorm.
One hour and
Kids in, Game's on,
Go Seahawks!

Back in the Game

After 4 years of sleep deprivation while raising babies and toddlers, it is safe to say that I am now out of the Baby Fog!  Time to begin writing daily again, as so many ideas seem to be popping into my well-rested mind.  (I also discovered I am gluten intolerant, Celiacs according to blood tests, and fixing my diet has made life soooooo much better!)

Cindy, if you are interested, pick up your camera and post again!  You have new subject matter to document!  Robyn, you are busy with lots of stuff and your photos are awesome.  Would be a fun project again.  Maybe a "weekly post" instead of daily?

All in favor, say "I". :)