Friday, July 31, 2009


35,000 feet. Heading south.


Just the Two of Us

You kick and you struggle
Scream and yell,
"It's only lunch," I say,
But you're so loud you
can't tell
That I'm trying to feed you
And get it quickly
Your crazy toddler antics
Are absolutely
No fun.
So I stop in the middle
Need to take a
Or pinch myself
That I've jumped into this
"This time will quickly pass," they say
"You'll soon be sending them to school."
But your avocado face
And grimy food-stained hands
Go nowhere,
Time is where it stands.
You struggle and you kick
You scream and you fuss,
"It's just another lunch," I think
Just the two of us.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


This is what a really hot, overly hot, disgustingly hot day in Seattle looks like. It almost has no color.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My Hop-Toad

Leather jade,
A sandpaper tongue and
Bone dry belly
Click and crackle
In the summer's heat.

Dreaming of water,
Cool green water.

The blacktop swelters,
Ribbons of heat
Melt into the day.
He needs tall grass,
A Shamrock haven,
We don't have.

Across the street,
A burning barrier,
The creek runs cold.
His daytime playground.
Along the sandy bank
And mossy rocks,
He dodges kids' feet,
Cannonballs on summer's break.

Dreaming of water,
Cool green water.

When the sun goes down
And lurid heat
Rushes up
Colliding with the black night air,
Cold white sheets and a ceiling fan
Erase the sunburn.

I'm dreaming of water,
Cool green water.

And he crosses,
Takes refuge-
Under the lush emerald cilantro leaves,
Camouflaged in a
Canopy of basil.

He floats sometimes
Down inside the cool abyss,
The wet darkness
Of a watering can.

Asleep now,
I dream
A parched dream.
Lips chapped,
Eyes squinted
A sand-caked body.
Wishing for my own
Watering can

My Hop-Toad and I,
We're dreaming of water,
Cool green water.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Summer rain.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Anchorage, on a cool grey day.


Running on empty

Laughter and morning shouts
Drift up from the kitchen-
My alarm.
I swing legs over,
Plop bare feet onto the cool wood floor,
Slide into Nike's
That look new
But aren't.

In a sleepy fog
I step over the
Cheerio landmines
And banana slime stuck to the floor.
Another breakfast with Daddy.
My own coffee awaits,
A true old friend,
My caffeinated confidente
Comme toujours.

"All aboard and out the door," I say.
We're off,
Me and my pal,
His blond mop of curls
Bouncing along in the BOB,
Our morning run.

Up the slow grade
Into the forest,
My brick-laden running legs
They now think laps are
Chasing toy trucks,
Sprinting intervals to catch
A diaper-less toddler.
The track workouts
And daily mileage
Are a distant memory.

But I dream of running.
Legs moving
For hours again.
A machine on auto,
Turning on and tuning out.
Quick feet, light heart.

But up the straight forest blacktop I go,
My sweaty palm grips the bar
And the pull to the left
Drives me crazy.
I'm thinking:
Gotta fix these wheels,
Gotta run more,
Gotta get up earlier,
Go to bed sooner,
Clean the house, take more naps, eat less sugar, read more,
Cook more, get out more often....

Looking down,
I see where the jolts originate.
Grandfather Frost's good work:
"Step on a crack, break your mother's back"

I'm careful.
They scream across the pavement
In random stretches.
So I jump,
After all-
I am a mother.

Passing mile 3
I see
My buddy asleep,
His curly mop resting on the side of the stroller.
So I turn.

Lead beads of sweat
I feel lighter,
More than a mom.

The wind picks up,
I don't even see the cracks
As they blur by under the wheels.
Legs flying,
My mind drifts:
To travel Europe by rail with only a journal,
To learn another language or two,
To teach abroad and play the piano.
To write a book and learn to cook

My legs cramp,
The shadows retract
As the temperature climbs the morning ladder.
And I remember,
"Step on a crack..."

Slowing to a walk,
I hear our creek,
The steady applause of its tumbling water
Over age-old rocks.
And I know it's OK.

To this blond mop of curls
Maybe I'm the world,
For now.
I'm just running on empty
And living full.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Baby's first pear.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Pretty baby.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Amelia Maris!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


In the crazy whirlwind of the last couple weeks, we managed to escape for an afternoon hike to Granite Mountain. This is one of the first glimpses of the pass as you get above the treeline. I had a terrible summer cold, so I called the retreat early. A lovely and hot afternoon all-in-all.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


First Pea Harvest! Quality Assurance by Quentin.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Lola & The Woodpecker

A red-shafted northern flicker to be exact.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Fuzzy Tomato Blooms

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Summer Green in Sunlight, has always been my favorite color.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I heart summer nights.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Nereocystis luetkeana

I call it Kelp.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


First harvest from the Alley Garden: Gutter Lettuce.